Research Type: Religious, Ethnic & Cultural Affiliation

Religion, fertility and space.

Religion, fertility and space.

Future demand across the school sectors (controlled, maintained and integrated) in Northern Ireland is a public policy issue that requires timely and accurate information. While the most recent currently available counts for the school population are derived from information collected at the Census 2001, a current understanding of differing fertility levels, and future school populations, by area of residence and community background would provide significant assistance to those determining planning for schools, and equality of access, in the longer term.

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The socio-economic and cultural influences on the perception and reporting of self-reported health in Northern Ireland.

The socio-economic and cultural influences on the perception and reporting of self-reported health in Northern Ireland.

Census-based measures of self-reported health are widely used throughout the UK to assess need and as part of resource allocation formulae to distribute HPSS resources. It is important to know that such measures are not significantly biased by social or cultural factors. The proposed study aims to use the NILS-Mortality Linkage Study to examine the relationship between self-reported health in the 2001 census and subsequent mortality in the following five years to see if this relationship is modified because of the individual respondent’s religious affiliation, country of birth, or by levels of chronic unemployment in the area in which they live. These associations are strongly indicated by other research evidence. The results from the proposed research should help determine the direction and extent of any cultural and socio-economic factors influencing the reporting of SRH in Northern Ireland.

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Area influences on health: does the extent of community or religious segregation matter?

Area influences on health: does the extent of community or religious segregation matter?

Northern Ireland (NI) is a society spatially segregated along religious denomination lines. This study looks at some of the implications of this for population health in NI. In particular, the study examines (i) health outcomes associated with minority status for groups living within larger ‘other’ communities; and (ii) health outcomes associated with living as part of larger homogeneous communities which may have developed exclusionist social networks and mores – scenarios testable for both positive and negative health outcomes. More generally, while the immediate context for this study is NI, findings of this kind can have implications for the study of health in other minority populations. Indices of community composition will be derived quantifying the major religious denominations at area level.

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A study of denomination differences in health and short-term mortality in NI.

A study of denomination differences in health and short-term mortality in NI.

Most research into the relationship between religion and health in Northern Ireland has divided the population dichotomously as Catholic and Protestant, ignoring the inherent diversity of the Protestant community (for example Church of Ireland, Presbyterian Church in Ireland etc). The present study utilises this diversity to examine variation in all cause and cause-specific mortality by this extended religious affiliation.

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