A series of projects to explore the difficulties and benefits of linking health-service related data to the NILS.

The utility of the NILS data can be greatly extended by linkage to health-service related databases which offer a greater frequency of events that are likely to have more HPSS policy relevance. The proposed study aims to test the feasibility and difficulties of linking the NILS dataset to three HPSS-related datasets. The potential benefits of such linkages will be illustrated by undertaking three projects (i) a study of deliberate self-harmers; (ii) a study of the pharmaco-epidemiology of antidepressant usage in Northern Ireland, and (iii) an examination of variations in the uptake of breast and cervical cancer screening in Northern Ireland.


O’Reilly, D., Kinnear, H., Rosato, M., Mairs, A., Hall, C., Coyle, C. (2014) Do women who intermittently attend breast screening differ from those who attend every invitation and those who never attend? Journal of Medical Screening, doi: 10.1177/0969141314533677

O’Reilly, D., Kinnear, H., Rosato, M., Mairs, A., Hall, C. (2012) Uptake of Breast Screening is Influenced by Current Religion and Religion of Upbringing. J Relig Health, doi 10.1007/s10943-011-9556-7

Kinnear, H., Rosato, M., Mairs A., Hall, C., O’Reilly, D. (2011) The low uptake of breast screening in cities is a major public health issue and may be due to organisational factors: A Census-based Record Linkage Study. The Breast. doi: 110.1016/j.breast.2011.04.2009.

Kinnear, H., Connolly, S., Rosato, M., Hall, C., Mairs, A. and O’Reilly, D. (2010) Are caregiving responsibilities associated with non-attendance at breast screening? BMC Public Health. 10: 749.


Other Outputs:

Coyle, C. (2011) Examining predictors of re-attendance at screening over two cycles of the Northern Ireland breast screening programme: A data linkage study. MSc Thesis, Queen’s University Belfast 2011

NILS Research Brief 9 March 2012: Breast screening uptake in Northern Ireland

Research Team: Dermot O’Reilly, Heather Kinnear, Michael Rosato and Alison Porter
Database: NILS
Project Status: Complete
Organisation(s): Queen’s University Belfast