A study of the socio-demographic and area correlates of suicides in NI.

Suicide rates vary markedly between geographic areas but it is unclear whether or not this is due to differences in the populations of the areas (composition effects) or to factors which operate at an area level (contextual effects). This study uses to NI-LS to examine a number of area level characteristics to determine if they are independently related to suicide risk after adjustment for individual and family characteristics.


O ‘Reilly, D., Rosato, M., Connolly, S., and Cardwell, C. (2008) Area factors and suicide: 5-year follow-up of the Northern Ireland population. Br J Psychiatry 192(2):106-

Other Outputs:

NILS Research Brief 2 February 2011: Area factors and suicide in Northern Ireland

Research Team: Dermot O’Reilly, Michael Rosato and Sheelah Connelly
Database: NIMS
Project Status: Complete
Organisation(s): Queen’s University Belfast