Mismatches and matches in address information from the Census and the BSO: A longitudinal perspective 2001-2011.

The proposal builds on Projects 020 and 051 by extending the analysis to 2011. Project 020 (Shuttleworth I., Barr P. and Gould M. Describing and modelling internal migration in NI 2001-2006 using the NILS: individuals, households and places) explored internal migration patterns between SOAs using selected individual, household and ecological variables. Subsequently, Project 051 (Shuttleworth I. and Barr P. How accurate and timely are health registrations address data? An assessment using the NILS) compared the SOA and XUPRN of records linked across the 2001 Census and the April 2001 BSO download of health registration data, in order to investigate the individual, household and neighbourhood determinants of address inaccuracy.

The proposed project compares address information from the Spring 2011 BSO download (XUPRN and SOA) with comparable geographical information from the 2011 Census. The project seeks to look at the individual and ecological determinants of match/mismatch between geographical information held in the BSO and 2011 Census, and compares this with the position seen in 2001 to examine if the same types of people and the same types of places have approximately the same level of match/mismatch. It then moves on to consider in more detail whether the same people in 2011 as in 2001 reported match/mismatches between BSO and Census address information. It is important to understand if the same people (or only the same types of people) are being inaccurately geographically referenced in both Census years or if the situation is more fluid. The degree to which social compositional changes (e.g. in age and housing tenure) contribute to changing gross levels of mismatch between 2001 and 2011 will also be assessed.

Research Team: Dr Ian Shuttleworth, Prof David Martin and Dr Brian Foley
Database: NILS
Project Status: Complete
Organisation(s): Queen’s University Belfast, University of Southampton