Socio-economic and neighbourhood effects on Covid-19 and all-cause mortality

The unique circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic poses formidable health, economic and social challenges for governments around the world. The impact of the coronavirus varies both between and within countries due to unique coronavirus risk factor profiles, transmission patterns within populations and different approaches used by governments to combat the spread of the virus.

In the early stages of the pandemic, despite having the lowest Covid-19 age-standardised mortality rate (ASMR) in the UK (March and April), all cause deaths in Northern Ireland were 17.4% above expected levels (between March and June 2020). Over recent months up to January 2021, the virus has surged in many countries including Northern Ireland with rapid increases in Covid-19 cases and mortality.

Covid-19 mortality has been unevenly distributed in Northern Ireland with ASMRs varying by gender, area, and higher ASMRs have been observed in urban areas and in the 20% most deprived areas. It is acknowledged that there is a greater risk of covid-19 mortality for people living in areas with the highest population density.

Looking through the lens of NIMS, this research will assess individual/household socio-demographic and neighbourhood effects on Covid-19 mortality.  The overarching aim of the research is:

To provide a more in-depth analysis of Covid-19 mortality during the pandemic (March – September 2020) as well as all-cause and respiratory mortality from April 2011 to September 2020 with a specific focus on socio-demographic associations (including BAME groups, disability groups and religion) and neighbourhood factors including area of residence and population density.

Research Team: John Hughes, Jos IJpelaar, Rita McAuley, Estelle Lowry, Ian Shuttleworth
Database: NIMS
Project Status: Active
Organisation(s): NISRA, Queen’s University Belfast