Vital Events Standard Outputs: Using the NILS and the NIMS to Produce Annual Standard Outputs of Births & Deaths by Demographic, Socio-Economic and Area Characteristics.

This project aims to use the NILS and NIMS databases to produce Vital Events Standard Outputs on an ongoing basis beginning from 2001. NILS sample members’ demographic, socio-economic and area-based characteristics will be linked to continually updated births and deaths data to produce cross-tabulations by each year available.

This project will develop the standardised production of annual vital events outputs. The potential future development of this project will be to allow for continually updated annual outputs post-2011 as more data becomes available. The envisaged 2011 Census linkage to NILS will enable a comparison of change over time in relation to the individual and area characteristics associated with vital events data.  This will provide demographic information for all years between 2001-2011 and beyond.  Longer-term future aims will be to link in marriage, divorce and widowerhood data when available.

The production of Vital Events Standard Outputs will meet immediate policy needs for accessible information on demographic characteristics and change, linked to vital events, for all aspects of service planning in Northern Ireland.  They will be particular useful for health policy-makers as the population denominator changes and characteristics are a vital component of all aspects of the health service planning.



NILS Research Brief 15: NILS & NIMS Vital Statistics.

Cartland, J. & Mc Connell, K. (2013) Linking Vital Events to NILS and NIMS– presented at the NISRA Statistician Conference Titanic Centre, Belfast, 13th February 2013


Research Team: Fiona Johnston, Naomi O’Neill, Joanne Cartland, Claire Rocks, Dr Karen McConnell and Dr David Marshall
Database: NILS & NIMS
Project Status: Complete
Organisation(s): NISRA and Queen’s University Belfast, Centre for Public Health